Team Member

Noah Madison




Noah Madison is a Partner at TEAMWORx Health, an executive search firm dedicated to helping healthcare organizations solve today’s most important healthcare challenges by building exceptional strategic teams. 

Noah brings that passion every day to our clients. His varied business background and analytical skills strengthen his understanding of organizational goals and cultural structure which leads to his searches are more focused and efficient. He prides himself in helping companies ensure their talent needs with the right people to strengthen their execution of profitable, exponential growth, serving more people and providing better care. Noah operates from a servant-leadership mindset taking seriously his role in connecting candidates with opportunities that achieving greater, more gratifying careers to rise up the business of healthcare.

Noah’s exposure to the healthcare industry has been life-long with being the son of a private practice urology surgeon working within multiple providers during his career. In his own career, he has worked with clients in a variety of sub sectors within healthcare and life sciences including healthcare services, health tech, PPM’s, provider systems, pharmaceuticals, and biosciences.  

Noah attended Tulane University for his undergraduate degree in Finance and received his MS from Virginia Tech. In his free time, he enjoys live music, charity work with Valerie Foundation, Climbing for Kids, Metro Caring and Valor Bridge Foundation, working with the Tulane Alumni Association, American and world history, dice and card games, skiing, and spending time with family and friends. 

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